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World Champs 2017-2.jpg

HS Drift

DOB: 2004

Breed: Pure bred Arabian

Currently: FEI 2* Advanced Endurance Horse

Previously: FEI 3* Advanced Endurance Horse


Best results to date

  • 3rd and first British horse/rider across the line in 80km FEI CEI 1* Royal Windsor Endurance, UK 2018

  • Selected & rode in World Endurance Championships 160km FEI CH-M-E in Samorin, Slovakia 2016

  • 5th & winner of the best condition award in 80km FEI CEI 1* Euston Park, UK 2016

  • 17th in 160km FEI CEI 3* Fontainebleau, France 2016

  • Competed in the FEI CEI 3* 160km HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup in Dubai, UAE 2016

  • 23rd in 120km FEI CEI 2* Fontainebleau, France 2015

  • 1st in 120km ER Cranwich, UK 2015

  • 13th in 120km FEI CEI 2* Royal Windsor Endurance, UK 2015

  • Competed in the FEI CEI 3* 160km HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Endurance Cup in Dubai, UAE 2015

  • 1st in 160km FEI CEI 3* Madine, France 2014

  • 1st in 80km ER Three Rivers, UK 2014

  • 1st in 120km FEI CEI 2* Seacliff, Scotland 2014

  • 1st in 120km Young Rider FEI CEI 2* Haywood Oaks, UK 2014

  • 1st in 80km Young Rider FEI CEI 1* Barbury Castle, UK 2013